Sunday, March 5, 2017

Welcome Everyone!

Welcome Everyone!

Hello, everyone! I trust each of you are enjoying life.

So many today are going through so much. Disease is rampant, many are homeless, many live in poverty and then there are those who have lost family and friends...and are lonely.

God never intended life to be a struggle.

Oh sure, there are those that will tell you that if you have faith you'll never have a problem, never be sick, never lack. Sorry, but that's not so.

There is no faith where there is no test. 

There can be no hunger if the belly is always full. One does not thirst when water is abundant. One does not lack when the bank account has more in reserve than the bills you have to pay.

But let me point something out. I know many who have excellent health, have a big bank account, live in a fine house and eat at the best restaurants, yet are lonely or unhappy.

No matter your situation, no matter your station in life, no matter your surroundings...much of what your life is today is what you, yourself, have said and done in the past and currently live. 

Where is your head, your thoughts most of the time? On what is your primary focus?

I won't be beating you over the head with Scripture. Yes, there will be Scripture in most of the posts. That's life. Make that, LIFE.  After all, didn't our Lord Himself say that man shall not live by bread alone, but by the Word. The Word is Life.

Okay, but there is so many practical applications the Word of God has for us today. So let's explore some of this together. No, not everyday, but a few times a week...together.

You are invited to contribute, to take part, to question and comment. I ask you to subscribe to the blog and we can enjoy these discussions more closely.

Let's explore real life. What it means and why and how to grab hold of it and live it. Really LIVE it. No, not "Bible-thumping." Applying, however, Biblical principles to our lives in order to truly live life with as few "bumps in the road" as possible.

We've all got a past. Let's concentrate on the present to make a better future.

God bless you, and keep you...and let's start Living Life God's Way.

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